Jon Snow and Daenerys are both central characters in the Game of Thrones show, from...
26 December 20193711 views
Norra West Allen aka XS is a speedster and also daughter of Barry Allen (The Flash)...
28 May 20193931 views
At the end of season 5 episode 18 when Flash went to Iron Height prison to see Eobard...
25 April 20195013 views
Lord Baelish, a.k.a Littlefinger, is a shrewd and extremely tenacious character who...
01 January 20203619 views
[Spoiler] Cicada had a dagger that could temporarily take away powers from metahumans....
12 May 20195755 views
The Black Flash is a representation of death for the speedsters. Those who are blessed...
19 October 20195799 views
The real name of The Flash is Barry Allen in 2014 CW Tv Show, But it's not the same...
21 May 20195973 views
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08 June 20194221 views
Arya Stark, like Jon Snow and Sansa Stark, is one of them central characters of the...
12 January 20203854 views
The Flash's speed is much faster than the speed of light (186,282 miles per second)....
26 December 20194951 views