How fast is The Flash?

 26 December 2019  4740  views
The Flash's speed is much faster than the speed of light (186,282 miles per second). For example, he saved 532,000 people during a nuclear explosion in Korea by carrying them away from the blast in 0.00001 microseconds. He moves at such a high speed that everything around him becomes disrupted. The speed force, from which he gets power, makes an aura around him. It protects him from others, and he can move on by destroying everything behind him. There is no specific answer to the question of how fast the Flash is. But we can tell it by knowing the descriptions about the four flash characters. The comic story needs to continue, and so the writer keeps the continuity by creating new challenges and situations. The Flash is that much speedy or fast which the plot of the comics need. The writer follows the plot more and more dramatic to specialize in the Flash and makes him a superhero.

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