One of the widespread debate among the DC Comics fans is the debate of the fastest...
21 December 2019 5682 views
[Spoiler] Cicada had a dagger that could temporarily take away powers from metahumans....
12 May 2019 6143 views
Jon Snow and Daenerys are both central characters in the Game of Thrones show, from...
26 December 2019 4124 views
Norra West Allen aka XS is a speedster and also daughter of Barry Allen (The Flash)...
28 May 2019 4235 views
Control downloaded itself into Leland's mind to gain access to the sphere data, But...
15 April 2019 5251 views
Fans of the TV series Game of Thrones were shocked and heartbroken when Jon Snow...
04 February 2020 4301 views
At the end of season 5 episode 18 when Flash went to Iron Height prison to see Eobard...
25 April 2019 5391 views
A future grown-up version of Grace Gibbons is the new Cicada. Grace is adopted daughter...
18 May 2019 3918 views
This question was explained at season 2 finale of Star Trek: Discovery. After discovery...
18 April 2019 3453 views
Near the end of Season 5, Arya is well underway in her training as a Faceless Man...
24 January 2020 6565 views